Friday, February 7, 2014

SBAC 2-7-14 Things to Do on Monday

Good afternoon SBAC Site Coordinators,

Here are a few last reminders on things to do to prepare for the SBAC Practice test activity on Tuesday, February 11th:

  • Visit your ELA PLC Monday morning to review the Directions for Administration Presentation on the Lesson Plan and specifically the last few slides on troubleshooting and highlight the SBAC Practice Test FAQ's document. Also address the following:
    • Where should kids report if they don't have their Chromebook? 
    • Where will your Techs be located? Who do the teachers call if they get any of the common error messages? 
    • Review the student survey with the teachers. Remind them that if the student wasn't able to take the test on their own chromebook, they need to mark no on the form and the reason why. Take this survey yourself before Monday, demo it in PLC. 
    • Please post a brief comment on this blog regarding any specific questions you have, a bright idea that may benefit one of your colleagues, or your general plan of attack on Monday. 
  • Review your master schedule and distribute the extra headphones to teachers. You may want to ask them to keep the little wire ties and have the kids tie them up when they are done. They get really tangled and messy without these. Remember that there are only a few per teacher
  • Send a phone dialer on Sunday and/or Monday reminding students to bring their Chromebooks and headphones. (Make the message known that we are not requiring students go out and buy headphones and we will provide them if necessary but we want to give them the option of using their own). 
  • The site techs will checkout a few loaner Chromebooks to the teachers (these will be scanned in and out) and they will collect them on February 12th. 
  • The site techs will be available to walk classrooms with you and you will need to communicate to staff that they will be unavailable for other day to day duties. 


  1. How many xtra chromebooks are we getting?

  2. @ Leon- It is dependent on your inventory but we are hoping for about 5 loaner devices per teacher.

  3. How many techs will I have on Tuesday?

  4. I'm sure there will be more to post once we try this on this scale for the first time.

    1. Yes, I will set something up (either Google Event or a Form) so that we can document everything we learn.

  5. Meeting with ELA today, distributing forms and headsets.
    Dialer went out Sunday.

    1. Great job on doing all of your homework Pauline. You are well prepared and it will pay off on the day of the practice test.

  6. I agree with Tate. I believe we will have a lot more to discuss after the first trial.
