Thursday, May 14, 2015

California Alternate Assessment (CAA)

The link to your Secure California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Directions for Administration can be found in the Google Drive Folder below. These are secure documents and must be returned to your Site Coordinator when testing is completed. Once your Site Coordinator sends me your certificate, we will activate accounts and you will receive an email with your username and a temporary password. Please review these instructions before activating your account. 

Test Assignments
PMS Grade 7 and 8- Version 2
HHS Grade 11-         Version 1
PVHS Grade 11-       Version 2
PHS Grade 11-         Version 3

Link to Secure DFAs (only SH teachers and Site Coordinators have access)
Link to CAA mainpage (The link for the teacher to administer the assessment is on this page along with the practice tests)

Sent on 5/6/15

CAA Teachers:

Thank you all for your hard work administering the CAPA to your 10th graders. We are also required to assess all students in grades 5-8 and Grade 11 with the California Alternate Assessment (CAA). Below is information regarding the required training video for all (CAA) Test Examiners and additional information can be found on the CAA Web page at
Once you have completed the training video you will need to submit the certificate to your CAASPP Site Coordinator and we will create your log in account and work with you on setting up for the test administration. 

You can complete the video (length 30 min) after hours and review the CAA website/Sample directions and submit a time card for 1 hour or if you prefer to do the video training during the school day, you can work with your site administrator to set aside a time to complete the training.

We look forward to working with you during the next few weeks. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Catching Up and Gearing Up

Catching Up

  • Most sites are in the low to mid 90% completion rates for the ELA Summative Adaptive (Non PT) and Performance Task (PT). We need to be at a minimum of 95% for both the PT and Non PT in each content area.
  • Tomorrow (Thursday) is a quiet day for AP Testing and a good day strategically to pull in your kids for SBAC completion. Consider keeping kids testing for longer periods, especially if they have attendance issues. 
  • Remember that security procedures and testing conditions need to be the same during make up testing as regular testing. Student TAs are not permitted to have access to the SBAC log in cards as these contain confidential student information (SSIDs are confidential). The cutting and distribution of log in cards must be handled by office staff and not students. 
  • Appeals need to be submitted individually by the Site Coordinator for all students with expired tests. These are students who started the PT but did not finish within the 10 day window. (see expired status picture below).  The only exception to this is for students who have chronic absences or other special circumstances. If you have documentation the student won't be at school, the appeal should not be completed.  See example 1 below

Gearing Up

  • Most of you will be working with a brand new set of teachers (US History) and will need to prepare as if it is your first day of SBAC. This includes printing/copying DFAs, completing checks for understanding, printing student log in cards, and most everything else on the Site Coordinator Checklist. 
  • Don't forget to distribute graph paper! (This is different from ELA).
  • Be sure to apply what you learned from the ELA administration. Here are a few things to note:
    • Watch out for and plan for field trips and campus events (does this sound familiar???)
    • Have back up SBAC trained teachers (most likely any ELA teacher that doesn't already want to ring your neck) on hand to jump in and administer tests if any of the US History teachers are out. This is a must. There aren't enough days left to "postpone" a day if a teacher is out. 
    • Jot down mental notes, evernotes, notes on napkins, and just general ideas on how your master testing calendar will be set up for next year. Get feedback from your principals and be prepared to plan next year's calendar.

Example 1- Appeals
2. Click on TOMS (first green box)
3. Click on the link that says "appeals"
4. Click on Create Appeal and choose Reopen Test and then Search by SSID
5. Describe the reason and then click the create button. 

Identifying Expired Tests

Expired Status