Sunday, March 22, 2015

Interim Assessment Reminders

Please note the following regarding the SBAC Interim Assessments:

Teacher preparation

  • Teacher Instruction List- Instructions for teachers on administering the Interim Assessments
    • Print this and provide to your teachers
    • Emphasize which test they will administer and to avoid the summative category. Remember, a testing irregularity is one click away! See this doc for more details.
    • Remind teachers to encourage students to do their best, they will receive real scores!
  • Contingency plans- review your list of trained test administrators and arrange for back up proctors for ELA/US History teachers who might be absent on the day of testing. Also, some of you still haven't submitted electronic forms and/or scanned affidavits for your testing teachers and I cannot guarantee they will get their accounts on time. See instructions here. 
Test Security
  • Student desks need to be spaced appropriately for a state testing environment. Spaced appropriately means that there are 4 feet between center of desk to center of desk. 
  • No electronic device signs are posted in front of the room and both sides of the doors. 
  • All staff entering the room needs to have a completed "anyone having access to the test affidavit" on file and scanned into the Google Folder
  • The designated Site Coordinator will need to be available by 7:15 on the day of testing to walk classrooms (checking desk spacing and electronic device signs). A district administrator will be on your campus at 7:15 and will walk classrooms with you. 
  • During Testing- There is one small difference with the Interim Assessments regarding Test Security. Teachers are allowed and encouraged to offer assistance to students if they are struggling with technology or need clarification on questions. This of course, is not allowed during the summative assessments (starting in April)
  • This is a real test for students and teachers however it is a perfect practice opportunity for testing coordinators. 
  • You should take note of logistical challenges that will affect you during the summative testing window. Here are a few ideas: 
    • What were common mistakes teachers and students made? How did you or will you address them? 
    • What logistical hurdles did you run into? Did field trips, IEP meetings, off campus meetings or anything else affect your ability to coordinate and monitor testing? 
    • How did you handle adjusting for absent test proctors? 
    • Do adjustments need to be made for students with disabilities? 
    • What else did you learn from this experience? 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

California Alternate Assessment Information

Information was just recently released regarding the California Alternate Assessments (CAA). I will continue to learn more about this assessment and will train the site coordinators but wanted to share what is currently available. Here are some key details about the CAA: 
  • We will begin this testing in early May, after CAPA testing is complete.
  • Students in grades 5,8, and 10 will take CAPA in Science (testing in April)
  • CAA is required of Students with Severe Cognitive Disabilities (ie CAPA students) in grades 3-8 and Grade 11 in ELA and in Math
  • Each test requires a 1:1 administration and takes approximately 30 to 60 min
  • Each site has between 6 to 12 students (ie 6 to 24 hours of testing)
  • Teachers will need to complete a video training prior to test administration

Additional information can be found on the following page:

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Site SBAC Interim Assessment Trainings and EAP Letters

Good morning,

Listed below are three important documents to help you prepare for the upcoming Smarter Balanced Interim and Summative Assessments.

Site Based Training Lesson Plan- The training must be broken up into two separate meetings. The Security and Affidavits must be completed prior to the Test Administrator component. Teachers will not be granted access to the CAASPP Test Administrator portal until they have met with the site administrator, discussed the security affidavit, and the signed/scanned affidavit is received in the Ed Services office. Please post the date and location of your upcoming trainings in the comments box. Please post by Monday March 9th at 5pm. Security Affidavits and the Google Form need to be complete a minimum of 3 days prior to the Test Administrator training.

Training Log 
(Link viewable only to Tech TOSAs, Principals, and CAASPP Site Coordinators). This document has all of the teachers listed who have attended the trainings at SSC. The Participants by Sites with Names tab will help you identify who has already attended.

Electronic Copy of EAP/CAASPP Letter- This is an electronic copy of the EAP/CAASPP Letter that needs to be distributed to each Junior at least 2 weeks prior to the summative test date. Your friendly district office has printed the letters and grouped them in sets of 38 to make distribution easier for you. Please work with your teachers to ensure that their is an insightful discussion regarding the letter.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Recently Released Resources

Yee hawww! Today is a great day. There have been a few recently released resources for the CAASPP Online Assessments. These are posted below and also on your friendly local district SBAC Site Coordinator Haiku page.

Classroom Activity

Perris Union Assignments- Each student in the specified grade will take the assigned PT and corresponding classroom activity

Actual Classroom Activities

Interim Assessment Directions for Administration

Summative Assessment Directions for Administration

Test Administrator Reference Guide (more of a technical guide for the assessment system)